How can I become a stronger person. My life is ok, but I accept things with a lot of stress (exams, job etc).?
2006-06-21 07:32:26 UTC
When I have an exam it is stressful. Than I loose my concentration. I want to ce cool girl and to finish my obligations without stress. I want to learn or comunicate with pepople relaxed.When I', with some nice boy, I forget what I wanted to say. Stress is my other name:) I do a lot of sport, but that doesn't help me much.
Drei antworten:
2006-06-21 07:40:53 UTC
well, we all have stress, just sit down, relax, focus, and ask yourself...what do I realy want out of life...step by step, one day at the time...learn how to deal with stress...'cuz we will never get rid of it...lern how to deal with it!
2006-06-25 16:26:50 UTC
Hi, strong person!!!

Did you know that all your replies are within you?

As someone already said, we cannot eliminate stress... nowadays that's just past of our lives... and it's only getting worse. But we can learn to REACT differently to stress, to change our response to stress.

All well and good, but how? May I suggest a little exercise for a teeny wheeny stress situation for a start (dont start with the exam)? Ask yourself what you are telling yourself just before you have your stress reaction. Is your little voice helping you or destroying your efforts. Have you verified that, what this little voice says to you is true? What else could it say to you instead, this little voice?

You are the master of your internal voice. If it tries to tell you : I shall never be able to answer that question, why lose time listening to it. It has no way of proving that you don't know the answer. But YOU have a way of proving that you know. You can also find little ideas of how you can oblige yourself to concentrate. Taking a deep breath... just read each word of the question very slowly... you'll find your own idea!

We are all so full of ressources, we just have to get the hang of how to get to them. Nobody is perfect, and setbacks are there to make us move forward. How do you learn without making mistakes? Just be flexible. For example, if you don't know an answer, ask yourself, what would I say if I was obliged to make up an anwer? Or again, whatever strikes your fancy.

Another little practical tip: drink a lot of water. That is beneficial for concentration.

And as for boys, just be yourself and don't try and put on an act. Find out whether you can change something in the way you approach them. For example: instead of telling them things, ask them questions... or whatever you feel you could do.

Good luck with your exams.

(You are cool because you are trying to find a solution)

2006-06-21 17:32:21 UTC
Try it with yoga. it helps me a lot. but look for a teacher, so you learn it right.

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